Mrs. Phillips welcomed Mrs. JoAnn Vann from the Clark County Extension Office to her Financial Literacy class this week. Mrs. Vann led an interactive demonstration called "Get Real Here's the Deal."
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
financial literacy game "Here's the Deal"
financial literacy game "Here's the Deal"
Vann helping financial literacy student
Phillips helping financial literacy students
Senior picture orders must be turned in to Mrs. Hathcoat by October 15.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
If you are a Sophomore or Junior and would like to help with "The 2018 Prom," sign-up sheets will be on the desk outside of Mrs. Rash’s room.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Parents and students, please look at for 2017 and 2018 ACT test dates. Don't miss a deadline and pay the late fee!
almost 7 years ago, David Maxwell
American Red Cross will be on our campus tomorrow. If you are willing to donate blood, please come by!
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Homecoming is FRIDAY! We are excited to welcome Arkadelphia alumni and guests on campus.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Arkadelphia Homecoming Flyer
The Student Advisory Committee is raising money for Lighthouse Ministry by having a Battle of the Classes Color War. See the attached flyer for all the information.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Battle of the Classes Color Packet War - Flyer
Our two day Industry Fair was a success! Eleven vendors from across the state and just over 700 students from seven Arkansas campuses. Thanks so much for making this event a great time.
almost 7 years ago, David Maxwell
Arkadelphia High School's Student Advisory is still collecting items for Hurricane Harvey victims if you would like to donate!
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser Flyer
Class T-shirts are still on sale!  See a cheerleader, Mrs. Terah Rash, or Mrs. Nikki Thomas to place your order. T-shirts are $15.00. This is the last week to order and money is due by Sept. 29.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Tutoring is available for ALL students at the following times: 7:30 – 7:50 a.m. Mondays – Math Classes Tuesdays – Science Classes Wednesdays – English Classes Thursdays – Social Studies Classes
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
There will be an FCA meeting every Wednesday in Ms. Hornsby’s room for 1st lunch students. Mrs. Mays will host 2nd lunch in the Internet Café. All students are welcome to bring your lunch and attend.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Students interested in joining the AHS Swimming & Diving teams need to attend a meeting during your lunch period on Tuesday, September 26 in the Little Theater.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Reminder: Financial Aid Workshop for all AHS seniors and parents is tonight at 6 p.m. in the Little Theater at the high school.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Financial Aid Workshop Flyer - September 21 at 6:00
Arkadelphia High School will be hosting a two-day Industry Fair on Sept. 27-28. The event is open to the general public.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Industry Fair Flyer - Sept. 27 and 28 - 9:30am until 3:30pm
Don't forget the Financial Aid Workshop this Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the Little Theater
almost 7 years ago, David Maxwell
Industry Fair September 27-28 on AHS parking lot. If you are interested drop by or contact our campus. We have some room left for anyone that would like to participate. #itsgreattobeabadger
almost 7 years ago, David Maxwell
Reminder: Fall Individual Pictures will be taken on Monday, September 25.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
The Readers' Club will have the Mosquitoland meeting on Sept. 25. Meetings will be held both lunches in the Internet Cafe. There will be a DeepTalk meeting at 6:30 that evening at Chicken Express.
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
There will be a Financial Aid Workshop for all AHS seniors and parents on Thursday, Sept. 21. This will be a very informative meeting. Please come with any questions you have!
almost 7 years ago, Arkadelphia Public Schools
Financial Aid Workshop Flyer - September 21 at 6:00